The Arizona Sentinel

August 1, 2009

Conservative Americans Take back their Parties!

Filed under: My Posts — thearizonasentinel @ 5:35 pm

Conservative Americans step up to take back their Parties!

Filed under: Most Recent Posts — thearizonasentinel @ 8:29 pm Edit This
Greeting Everyone:  Conservative Americans its time to take back our parties and our country. Doesnt matter if your Republican,Democrat,Libertarian,Green.
An American Demands an apology from Senator Mckaskill:
 During the past year, I have been bouncing an idea off of friends, family, and this web site.  Only one person has reared  up in opposition to the idea. That person is a friend, but so buried in the RNC, that they cant see the possibilities thru all the mucky muck he has absorbed over the past 55 years,
The few times I have mentioned this on the web, I have received dozens of emails in favor so we decided to go for it.   And here is how.
I just thank God and Al Gore for the Internet. The Internet was the vehicle that this fella in the WH used to lie his way into the WH.  Well lets turn the tables, not just on him but on the RNC and their Sister organization the DNC.  The idea is to get 10 -20 million Americans to call their county elections office and De register, Thats right,De register. By doing that we will take the predictability of our votes away from the two parties, the pollsters, and campaign managers and their staffs.  Having looked at running for office myself and studying the tools they use, We can totally upset the applecart. In fact we can dramatically affect the outcome of state and fed elections, by forcing the frauds out of office. It will also tell the candidates that Americans are not going to be taken for granted. We will then be in control  of our destiny. We still have some freedoms left. Lets use this one effectively while we still can.  And the best part is you can do it all online.  Now , what we are going to ask of you is to sign the de registration petition at:
I know many of you are thinking , No lets fix the party , well hows that been working for you so far.  They all tell you what they want you to hear during the campaign, then the go to Washington or your state capital and raise taxes,create more debt, and you sit and watch american idol, thinking you did your part,.. Well, its time to pull our heads out of the clouds, get down to earth and return this country to the basics,follow the Constitution, reduce the size of government,reduce taxes, stop foreign aid and intitlment programs that are nothing more than bribes for votes. And we wind up with a bloated,goverment, state and federal.
We are looking at numbers only, when you fill out the petition, your email address will not be forwarded to any outside party and will remain only in our data base for tally purposes.  Now , having said that, we will be using the tally numbers , to promote the idea,by informing other sites and news outlets, such as Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and Lou Dobbs.  In your comment section please use that to address, paticular issues that you are concerned about.  We are also going to tally, numbers related to specific issues.
Thanks for getting involved.  This will drive the leadership in  the DNC and RNC up the wall.  And take away their power over the platforms and candidates.  It is also our plan that if this takes off, we will be able to share these numbers with Conservative groups in states around the country. 
We are also looking for ideas, beyond ours to make this project more affective.
So click on :  and get involved.  And forward to all your friends and family .
Also if you want , you can email us at, but besure and put petition in the subject line, so we dont lose it in our spam filter. 

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